“Lord, if it's my time please take me. If it's not, please let me get better," says Elizabeth. Elizabeth spends much of her day lying on the couch with her dog, Tootles, because congestive heart failure causes her to be short of breath and arthritis makes her body ache. In 2011 her doctor predicted that she would only live for three months. Years later Elizabeth continues to live at home with her caretaker, Danny, and a hospice nurse visits her once a month.
Elizabeth greets bass player Raymond as her son-in-law, Mike, and granddaughter, Francie, talk during a Christmas party with Elizabeth's family and close friends. Danny organized the party for Elizabeth so she could listen to his band play and spend time with friends and family.
Elizabeth gets a check up with a nurse who comes to her home once a month.
Danny holds back Elizabeth's head as he helps her eat lunch. Elizabeth's hands and feet are numb from arthritis, making it hard for her to feed herself.
Elizabeth holds hands with Danny as she sleeps. When she is awake, Elizabeth has a hard time breathing and takes morphine to keep her comfortable.
Danny helps Elizabeth pull up her pants after she uses the bathroom. "Danny's like a son to me. I don't know what I'd do without him," Elizabeth said.
Elizabeth's daughter-in-law, Nancy, holds hands with Elizabeth during a visit. Members of Elizabeth's family visit her at least once a week and call daily. Their goal is to keep her comfortable during her remaining days.
Danny keeps track of Elizabeth's daily dose of medication. Elizabeth takes Lasix twice a day to help keep fluid off her lungs.
Maddie and Elizabeth catch up on gossip and share memories during lunch in Youngville. Elizabeth took a rare trip out of town to visit her longtime friend with Danny, who tries to get Elizabeth out of the house whenever she feels up to it.
Elizabeth is reflected in a car side view mirror as she waits for Danny to help her into a wheelchair. She often tells people, "If you know how I'm feeling inside, you wouldn't tell me that I'm looking well."
Danny tips Elizabeth's wheelchair against his chest to help alleviate pain in her neck while waiting at the doctor's office. Elizabeth has a hard time sitting up for long periods of time and requested to go home after spending 20 minutes in the waiting room.
Danny asks about increasing Elizabeth's dose of Lasix after noticing that she gets tired more easily during a check-up with Elizabeth's longtime doctor, Ray Toher.
Elizabeth uses a mask to breathe in medication to help relax muscles in her airways and increase air flow to her lungs.